Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A still, muggy and rather morning, about 7C at 7.45. Yesterday I had a conversation with a fellow worker about Icelandic, the language. He picked out several English words and their relationship with Icelandic and did this in some detail. I stood there amazed. Here was what you’d call an ordinary Icelander digressing on a subject near to if not equivalent with a college level class. By no means is this untypical. I’ve had many a similar conversation over the years and continue to be awe-struck. Try pulling that off with your average American worker.-On several occasions I’ve spoken about this smallish ship, a kind of mini-tanker, which I see each day from my window. It circles around the harbor each and every day for reasons which remain a mystery; seems to lack a consistent pattern I haven’t the slightest clue and must get to the bottom of this!

Last evening at work the cafeteria had ýsa or baked haddock, exceptionally fine. The meals put out there are for the most part very fine…and very cheap which certainly helps.

About 80 kilometers southeast of Reykjavik is Iceland’s only prison called Lítla Raun which translates Little Larva. An apt name.

As I noted, last Thursday (April 19th) was the First Day of Summer, a national holiday. That was the day when people broke out their grills and just about are on every porch or lawn. A tradition not unlike Forth of July with grilling just as big as in the USA.

By reason of being an island, Iceland can have a mentality suited for such an environment though not as much as in other places due to high literacy and cultural events. At the same time I find myself having adopted such an island mentality…it creeps up on you slowly but surely. I’d describe it as considering your environment as the center of the world around which you expect everyone else (i.e., non-Icelanders) to revolve.

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