Friday, May 18, 2007

An interesting speaker on the AA radio program I listen to in the morning, taped broadcasts from the US. He told the audience of how the prayer of St. Francis inspires him and wonders why those uplifting experiences are not consistent in his life as well as with other like-minded people. However, people so inclined are spiritually minded and tend to stand out, albeit quietly. In other words, the speaker put in simple, direct terms a problem spiritual seekers have: of trying to make their inspiration consistent with their lives and their environment.

While listening to him, thoughts returned to yesterday when I visited two people whom I’ve known for years. They are spiritually minded yet have serious problems: one is afflicted by alcoholism and the other is focused upon political action to the detriment of his family life. As for the latter, for the past five consecutive weekends his wife has gone away with their two small kids, a sure sign divorce is looming. At the same time, these two friends are as wonderful as you could imagine. It’s difficult visiting them because I watch their lives go downhill in slow motion and can’t do a thing about it.

Last evening the Icelandic Alþingi formed a new government as a result of Saturday’s election, the Progressive Party now out after many years in power.

It's well know that Icelanders from Greenland settled in Anse-les-Meadows, Newfoundland, but left because of hostile relations with the natives. Many scholars claims that Newfoundland is the furtherst south the Icelanders traveled. However, I'm not so sure...talking about this with people here reveal that particular Icelandic impetuosity which, I believe, impelled them to go much further south. How much is up to speculation and debate.

Today is party cloudy, dead calm, quite a comparison after yesterday’s near hurricane force winds.


Unknown said...

Parece que no teneis un tiempo muy apacible. Recuerda, despues de la tormenta siempre llega la calma

Unknown said...
