Saturday, May 19, 2007

. “I will not insist on the precise nature of the relationship.” Words from the Phaedo (100d) about a thorny issue that has come down to us and has affected our perceptions of Plato. That misperception consists in the existence of ethereal, abstract ideas existing out there with less real objects existing down here, i.e., imitations. The quote is preceded by, “simply, naively and perhaps foolishly I cling to this…the presence (parousia) of or the sharing in (koinonia)…its relationship to that Beautiful.” Somehow I don’t think the object of desire is an abstract idea—Socarates is too down-to-earth for that—but a clinging to his faculty of anamnesis or recollection, his way of articulating consciousness which partakes of something larger. Sometimes it’s painful reading the Phaedo…not so much the text itself but being aware of centuries of interpretations, interpretations upon interpretations upon interpretations. I see the need for this generation to make its own assessment through the Greek text but then again, wonder if there’s interest.

Today promises to be another beauty, so I plan to take advantage perhaps with a return visit to the Hengill area, source of geothermal heating for Reykjavik. The sun is blinding and intense, especially in the afternoon when I have to draw blinds on that side of the apt. It’s not unlike being under a spotlight with nowhere to hide. And that is true when outdoors…you can’t take refuge under a tree because there are none.

With the advent of the summer vacation season, approximately half the population will leave Iceland for holiday abroad. A favorite destination has always been Spain and Canary Islands, even during summer, yet by no means does this exclude Europe nor the US. Icelanders travel lightly but with as many (empty) suitcases as humanly possible. They have a reputation for this among foreign airport personnel. Reason: buy, buy and buy as much as they can carry and wear. I know one gal who bought three pants and wore them all on a return trip from Dublin…could hardly walk off the plane.

During this time from the Ascension last Thursday until a week from tomorrow (Pentecost) it’s good to ponder this special time when Jesus Christ was not on earth and before the Holy Spirit’s descent. Although the Gospel records the disciples’ inability to grasp Christ’s mission as noted after his Resurrection, they must have been confused all the more during these nine days.

“Are you going to get drunk tonight?” so said a co-worker yesterday afternoon. Not an untypical question on a Friday, since many people go downtown to hit the bars, well known to visitors to Reykjavik. Such a question may sound appalling. However, it is greatly misunderstood, being yet another manifestation of the impulsive, childlike nature of Icelanders. Yes, they do get drunk on the weekend and stay out to all hours. One has to be living in this environment to appreciate the situation, hard to explain otherwise.

Iceland has its share of Harley-Davidson bikes, beards and black jackets one associates with such people. Often on a weekend afternoon they gather at certain downtown spots to show off their bikes. However, like that childlike nature I just noted and have often noted earlier, it’s very different from the US. If some hardcore bikers from the US showed up, I’m sure they’d scatter like a flock of birds!

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