Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fifth Sunday of Lent. Today would have been the Annunciation but is transferred to tomorrow due to a Sunday in Lent. The first impression from the Gospel (Jn 8.1-11), about the woman caught in adultery, is that she was about to be stoned as opposed to the unknown man. After all, it takes two commit adultery. In light of today’s politics and sensitivities, this brings to mind the way woman have been treated and still are in certain parts of the world. Actually, I’d like to jot down a few more comments including the first reading but have an overnight guest. Therefore I’m limited. His wife dropped him off, in Reykjavik for business, and staying yet another night before returning to Westman Island.

Last evening around 9 I noticed that it was twilight. I’ve been aware of brightening days, sometimes in large gulps, but last evening took the cake. Suddenly it was dark and suddenly it was light, hard to believe it was happening. Now there’s a few minutes of more light than darkness, into the summer-directed swing of things.

“And she (Rahab) dwelt in Israel to this day” [Josh 6.25]. Simple enough but loaded in Hebrew. The preposition “in” reads “qerev” or in the heart (midst) of.” Note that at this time still the Israelites were migrating, not having yet settled down permanently. And so Rahab was qerev both this constant motion as well as later. Rahab also reminds me of the prophetess Anna who never left the temple day and night but was there constantly prayer and giving thanks to God.

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