Thursday, March 29, 2007

For some years, Iceland has processed bauxite from the other end of the world, Australia. There is a large plant almost two kilometers long just southwest of Hafnarfjorður, Straumsvik, which receives ships. Right now they´re in the midst of a public relations campaign, wanting to enlarge the plant´s capacity. All this comes in the midst of controversial work in the east of Iceland where a huge dam is nearing completion, again, for smeltering aluminum. This project is a sore-spot among Icelanders and international organizations such as Greenpeace, etc. Reason is pollution and altering virgin territory forever. Iceland wants to corner the world market on aluminum processing which uses lots of energy, the chief advantage being an abundance of inexpensive geothermal resources. At the same time there is worry about pollution and as in the east, altering pristine landscape. How this will work out is anybody´s guess. News about that project has made international headlines and was even featured on the Discovery Channel.

Another nice day weatherwise but not as good as yesterday. Some light snow showers en route to work this morning. As for going to work in the morning, I explored an alternative route from Grafavogur through Mosfellsbæ…a bit round-about but good to know in case the two main roads are heavy with traffic.

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