Sunday, February 11, 2007

-Feb 11th, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Jer 17.5-8, Today`s Gospel (Lk 6.20-6) contains the beatitudes, and Luke gives us four delivered not on a mountain but upon `level place` [vs. 17]. Jesus delivers them to his disciples: `and he lifted up his eyes on (eis, into) his disciples` [vs. 20]. The word used to describe `blessed` is makarios with its alternate meaning of happiness. However, that doesn`t quite hit the mark, provided we take into consideration the Hebrew verbal root `ashar. This contains the fundamental meaning of straightness from which the relative pronouns are derived (who, which, that). And so the adjective `asher suggests something in motion or transition from here to there. After the four beatitudes Jesus gives four `woes.` The Greek word ouai is more an exclamation. In light of the Hebrew relative pronoun just noted, we could say that ouai suggests no movement but being static. In other words such a woe as mourning will continue for all eternity without a let-up.

-Off to work at 11 this morning, out at 5pm or perhaps an hour earlier which sometimes happens if things go well. Although I finish my computer work in plenty of time, I like to put it off because chances are I`d be called upon to put mail in boxes, etc, so everyone could leave on time. Even should they not complete their work, I`m entitled to leave without waiting. By the way, that pizza (extra large!) for 30% off was great! I give the website (they deliver in case you want this…):

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